
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Martha Hanni letter

To: Miss Martha Rohrbach, Hospital Chambre n 22, Pasquart (local village)
Biel, the 23 July 1910
Dear Martha,
I have received your letter with great joy and had to laugh when you wrote “you are in a very good mood hopefully.” How is the English language coming along? You are probably muddling your way through the language and will soon be able to translate for some.
I don’t have any news to report to you, all remains the same, sometimes better, other times worse! Jeanne has sent you already two letters, did you receive them?  
You said that if you would get a beautiful hat you would go and live in town. We have some beautiful models of it here. I still have the one I had last year. It is made of the same straw as the ones last summer, but a different style. On both sides is fastened a large rose and around it small ones and a black trimming. I have bought this hat in Bern. Jeanne and I have the most beautiful hats of all the girls. Jeanne and I will have a picture taken with our hats so you can see it yourself. 
How is Walter doing, he has not written me at all. 
Brother Hansen had an appendix inflammation and was in the Seeland Hospital. Lilly and Lisi Trittib were with him almost every day. When he was released from the hospital he went to Fankhauser’s to sleep and they took good care of him for him and he only will stay at the Fankhauser’s. One of their sons helped steal a barrel of Beer. That is what my father told me and that Fankhauser family is supposed to be the Example Family. 
Brother Bottam was able to go home again. He was close to death in Basel, but once he felt better he could come home again and I am happy for him. 
On the 10 August is Conference in Bern and I am looking forward to it. We have had a lot of rain and it is not very good for our white skirts, they drag on the ground. We don’t see Misses Monbaron any more at church, I don’t know what happened to her. Misses Baumann is not attending any more either, it is because of Lilly but I can’t tell you any more about it, since I don’t know more. The old Finschi of Solothurn is getting married soon. His intentions are already posted and made public. 
I don’t know any more. Don’t mind my hand writing, for I wrote very fast.
I send my greetings to you and kiss you. 
Please write back soon, don’t let me wait to long with your answer. Greetings also from mother.

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