
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ann Grinny

  • Name: Ann Grinny Bowden
  • Born: October 16, 1832 Georgemympton, Devonshire, England
  • Died: April 8, 1917 Brigham City, Utah
  • Related through: Erin's grandmother Idonna Nuttall Madson

Ann Grinny was born October 16, 1832 in Georgemympton, Devonshire, England. Her mother died when she was still a baby. In fact her mother was found dead in bed with her baby daughter laying beside her trying to nurse. The little girl was shifted from one place to another until she was able to care for herself.

While she was still a young girl the Mormon missionaries came to the home where she was staying and she was converted. She was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1850.

She married William Bowden in 1852. Though small in stature and young in years she met life vigorously and with her husband was soon planning to come to America and Utah.

Three girls were born to them in England: Emma, Mary Ann and Mariah. They moved from England to Swansea, Wales where her husband could get better work in order to raise money for their trip to America. Here two more girls were born, Elizabeth and Sarah Jane.

Shortly before they left for America a sad accident occurred when their little daughter Marie, who was nine years old, was burned to death. Because they were Mormons they were refused a burial plot in the church yard. A kind neighbor let them bury her in the top of one of his graves. This had to be done at night.

They sailed from Liverpool, England early in the spring of 1863 on the ship S. S. Synsoure. They were six weeks on the ocean, some days going back as far as they had advanced the previous day, as the weather was so bad. She was pregnant and the food was different than what she was used to so the trip proved very hard. During the sea voyage, little Sarah Jane contracted the measles and died. She was buried at sea. They landed in New York City on July 19, 1863.

They came as far as Council Bluffs by train, a long trip in those days. Here the immigrants were divided into companies and so many wagons, horses, mules, cattle, etc. were assigned to each company. As the wagons were heavily loaded, all those who were strong and well were obligated to walk. It was a long tiresome journey in the heat of the summer months.

They arrived in the Great Salt Lake Valley in October. A few days later they traveled north to Brigham City where they made their home. They settled on a small farm just east of town where they planted an orchard. Their peach trees were some of the first one planted in that locality. Their first son, William was born shortly after they arrived in Brigham City.

Ann Grinny Bowden was the mother of 15 children, five boys and ten girls. She was small in stature, active and ambitious with a keen sense of humor. She was kind and generous. Never did she fail anyone in need. She met the problems of the day with energy and with a willing heart. She was skilled with the needle and did all the sewing for the family, besides lots of fancy work. She also took an active part in the organizations in the ward and had a firm testimony of the gospel.

She was blessed with a beautiful head of dark brown hair. She always parted it in the middle and braided it in two large braids. She would wind each large braid around the top of her head and finish with a bun on the back of her neck. She was a proud English lady with a distinctive mind of her own. In matters of importance you always knew where Grandma stood.

She was active and able to take care of herself until a few weeks before she died. She passed away in Brigham City, Utah on April 8, 1917 at the age of 82. She is buried in Brigham City.

This article was written by Media Nuttall Dunn, granddaughter, for the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. I found it in their archives.

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