
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rosel Hyde

  • Name: Rosel Hyde
  • Born: 20 May 1816
  • Died: 20 August 1903
  • Related through: Dan's grandmother Elvira Wilde Langford
Rosel was born to Heman and Polly Hyde in York, New York. When the family moved to Freedom, New York Polly was converted to Mormonism by Joseph Smith himself. The entire family was privileged to "hear the Gospel in its purity." Though most of the family members where baptized Rosel took more time gaining a strong conviction of Restored Gospel. 

When the family moved to Kirtland, Ohio in 1836 the Kirtland Temple was dedicated. Because Rosel wasn't yet baptized he wasn't in attendance during the dedication. While he was working on the farm during the event he "witnessed the cloud and pillar of light that rested on the temple." That spiritual experience helped him secure his testimony and Rosel was baptized shortly after. 

Rosel moved with his father's family to Huntsville, Missouri, then to Quincy, Illinois where he married Mary Ann Cowles. He again moved, this time to Bear Creek, Illinois which is between Nauvoo and Carthage. His property was right next to some owned by the Prophet Joseph and the two became good friends. Mary Ann worked in the Prophets home, the children sat on his knee. When Rosel was informed of the Prophets death he exclaimed "They just killed one of the greatest men that ever lived."

Before the saints where driven from Nauvoo Rosel was ordained a Seventy and he and his wife received their endowment in the Nauvoo temple. They joined the driven saints from Nauvoo to Council Bluffs in 1846. 

Rosel and his family loaded a wagon and joined the Gully/Spencer Company to cross the plains in 1849. They lived in Salt Lake for a few years before they moved north just a bit to Kays Ward, currently Kaysville, Utah.  He had 65 acres of farm land right in Kaysville. Their first home there had a sod covered roof that leaked when it rained. Over the years, with hard work Rosel built a very nice home for his family. His home was often the resting place for General Authorities and others visiting Kays Ward. 

Rosel and Mary Ann where sealed by Wilford Woodruff in 1855. Rosel served a mission in New York and had many opportunities to help other saints reach the Salt Lake Valley. In 1863 Rosel took one of those opportunities in person and led the Rosel Hyde Company of 300 people to Utah. 

Rosel was often described as a very logical thinker, shy, a man of good judgment, slow to anger, had good business sense, prudent and thrifty. He would often suffer wrong rather than create a fuss with other people. 

Rosel served as the County Commissioner for nearly 20 years. We was well loved in the community. He was very generous and kind to others. He donated some of his land to the Union Pacific for the railroad and his land was often the home of his Native American friends that traveled throughout the valley. 

Rosel and his wife Mary Ann celebrated 60 years of marriage in 1899 with their family from near and far joining them in tribute. Joseph F. Smith spoke at Rosel's funeral and, pointing at the casket, said "Their lies a man without guile; I envy him his reward." Both Rosel and his wife are buried in the Kaysville cemetery.

I have loved learning about Rosel and most of this information is expanded upon in a history found online. Click here to read more about him.

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